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Spanish in Spain
20.05.2016 17:12
After a whole day on the way I am finally here!! ;) The place, people and my new home for the next 8 days is great, but the heat is crazy.... :/
After first two days of trip understood several things....
1. It's a bad idea to leave your man at home not only because of lack of his amazing company but also because of his 20 kg suitcase which can be yours!! ;)
2. Person is afraid only of particular hights if heights become higher fear disappears!! ;)
3. You are definitelly not a geographical idiot if you have GPS and language skills.... then you can find everything easily! ;)
4. I hate four hour flights in a very small chair of a very big plane.... haha...
5. And... after such a way one needs a good nap to get the energy levels back! ;)
Sweet dreams - let's try out siesta time!
In the evening we went to explore the evening Ronda while Ronda Romantica! ;) Huge amount of people dress up in the old time clothes and wander around Rondas streets, going for drinks and just hanging out with friends! ;) I had a total tourist look while my host Rocio also has suited to clothes to the event and looks just awesome! ;) It's a great atmosphere and very interesting festival! ;) #spanishimspainBaltImage
![Ivita Ozola Ex Šmite's photo.](